Ep.11 小間奏 Interlude: 看海/梧桐樹/希臘神話 🌳 | The Sea, Sycamores and Greek Mythology
同平時既 episodes 有少少唔同,希望你地唔會介意,have a wonderful evening ✨ P.S. 今次我地以 Hadestown 既一首歌黎做結尾,個人認為係成集最正既位,如果你直接飛到 25:42 聽 I ain't gonna be mad 🥂
Timestamps 📍
(00:00 ) 消失的 podcaster: 關於無力感 | A prelude to our interlude
(02:17 ) 點解你會鍾意個海 | A love letter to the sea
(06:34 ) 梧桐樹與活著的意義 | "What's even the point?"
(10:44 ) 講起希臘神話 | From sycamore trees to narcissus
(12:02 ) 其實神話 說穿了就係... | Myths and fairytales and legends 🧙🏻♂️
(14:49 ) 希臘神話 有咩咁正 | Why Greek mythology
(16:46 ) 傲慢與... 蜘蛛? | Hubris: Icarus and Arachne 🕸
(20:12 ) 希臘神話 有咩咁正 2.0 | A glimpse into the past
(21:17 ) 弗雷澤與榮格 | Frazer and Carl Jung
(23:36 ) 現代希臘神話故事 | Modern retellings: Prometheus and Orpheus
完 ~
今集小介紹 References 💡
• "The Anthropocene Reviewed" by John Green
• "Mythos" by Stephen Fry
• "The Golden Bough" by James George Frazer
• The "Collective Unconscious" by Carl Jung
• Prometheus Bound (被縛的普羅米修斯)
• Hadestown by Anaïs Mitchell